Least Mean Square Algorithm for Unbiased Impulse Response Estimation - Circuits and Systems. MWSCAS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Midwest Symposium on
In this paper, a least mean square (LMS) t ype algorithm is devised for unbiased system identi cation in the presence of white input and output noise, assuming that the ratio of the noise powers is known. The proposed approach aims to minimi ze the mean square value of the equation-error function under a constantnorm constrain t, and is equivalent to minimizin g a modi ed mean square error function. Analysis of the algorithm shows that the estimates will converge to the true values in the mean sense. Computer sim ulations are included to corroborate the theoretical development and to evaluate the impulse response estimation performance of the LMS algorithm.
منابع مشابه
Adaptive Time Delay Estimation with Noise Suppression for Sinusoidal Signals - Circuits and Systems. MWSCAS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Midwest Symposium on
A least mean square algorithm is devised for time delay estimation between noisy sinusoidal signals received at two spatially separated sensors. Two adaptive nite impulse response (FIR) lters whose coe cien ts are samples of a sine function are used for delay modeling as well as noise suppression. The convergence behavior and variance of the estimated delay are also derived. Computer sim ulatio...
متن کاملA Closed Form Frequency Estimator for a Noisy Sinusoid - Circuits and Systems. MWSCAS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Midwest Symposium on
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متن کاملSmoothing the Control Action for NARMA-L2 Controllers - Circuits and Systems. MWSCAS 2002. Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE Midwest Symposium on
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متن کاملThe factorization of M-channel FIR and IIR cosine-modulated filter banks and their multiplier-less realizations using sopot coeff - Circuits and Systems, 2004. MWSCAS '04. The 2004 47th Midwest Symposium on
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متن کاملLeast-square estimation of average power in digital CMOS circuits
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